One day in Washington DC

In November the work team had a conference in Ottawa and with the requirement to head East we set up a meeting with a large HVAC manufacturing company based 30 minutes north of DC in Maryland. Due to this Monday meeting I decided to fly out a day earlier and spend the day in the US capital of DC. I read a lot of books by Clive Cussler where the main protagonist (Dirk Pitt) lives just outside Ronald Reagan Airport and many of the stories involve Washington in some way (including the book I was reading at the time, Flood Tide which see’s Dirk and his squeeze of the book racing across the Mall / Reflecting Pool in a classic car.

I had initially planned to go on a walking tour. I LOVE WALKING TOURS and Sam (bless her) hates them so being solo allows me to embrace my inner geekiness. However on the Thursday before I left the HVAC company got me a ticket to the Redskins vs Houston Texans (I team I actually admire a lot, especially JJ Watt who is a beeeaaasssstttt). This unfortunately meant no walking tour. However I had a few hours in the morning to explore the Mall and the capitals major sights.

Sights included the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, The Reflecting Pool and the Capitol Building (which was blown up in Keifer Sutherlands Designated Survivor). With time of the essence I decided to hire a bike and zoom up and down the Mall.


Being honest I am indifferent to the NFL but I do follow the Patriots and Seahawks (mainly due to the proximity to Vancouver) but I have heard that the Redskins do host a good football game. And with free tickets I wasn’t going to turn that down.

The atmosphere was great with lots to keep people entertained on a game that takes approximately 36 hours. Unfortunately Redskins QB Alex Smith broke both bones in his leg and the Texans hung on for a narrow win. Still, cool atmosphere but ill stick to proper football. (If only Rooney and DC United were in town).

A great day in DC but a place you kind of been there, done that, bought the hat.


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